
Tales From The Fermi Resolution, Volume 2

Created by Moe Lane

A second and sprawling collection of post-apocalyptic fantasy stories.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys away!
5 months ago – Tue, Mar 12, 2024 at 03:32:09 PM

Be sure to check your inboxes. Also: the preorder store is open! It also features some deals on getting signed copies of my books, so keep that in mind. Just bear in mind that TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION VOL 2 is currently being checked by the beta readers, and won't be going to the editor until the end of the month. That will affect shipping dates.

But we are on our way!

Surveys and call for Beta Readers.
5 months ago – Sat, Mar 09, 2024 at 02:33:07 PM

I'm having Backerkit check over my Pledge Manager: once that's done, surveys will go out. Also - and sorry if you've already signed up for it; my brain is Swiss cheese right now - if you were interested in being a beta reader, drop me a line. I'll be getting the stories out to the editor by the end of the month, so we're talking quick turnaround here.

Thanks again for being a backer!

And it's done! 304% funded, several stretch goals hit.
5 months ago – Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 05:27:16 AM

I surpassed all the metrics on the TALES FROM THE FERMI RESOLUTION Vol 1 Kickstarter, which is the proper benchmark - but I did better than I expected when matched up against the TINSEL RAIN Kickstarter. I think novel crowdfunding just does better than short story collection crowdfunding does, but I'm happy with this being in the same ballpark. I think I also learned a few things this time about promotion, too. Every little bit helps, hey? 

Now comes the work-work part: getting all of this stuff out the door. I'll be setting up a Backerkit store in the next day or so while I'm checking in with my editor to see what her schedule is like. I'll also be on double-duty getting the stories licked into shape for beta-reading duty - contact me if you're interested in that - and starting my production runs. Etc, etc, etc. Fortunately, I've done this before

Thank you all for your support. This doesn't happen without you.

The sweet torture of the Kickstarter's last half day.
5 months ago – Wed, Feb 21, 2024 at 04:31:25 PM

12 hours to go, we're on the cusp of the $2,000 stretch goal, and now is the time to tell all your friends that it's time to try out some crowdfunded post-apocalyptic fantasy goodness. These are the current stretch goals up for grabs:

  • $2,000: More sampler stories! At this point, the sampler will be five Fermi Resolution stories, including two ones exclusive to this sampler. It will be very close to a short episodic novel at that point, as all five stories will be set in the Falling Walls of Lunacy Marsh/Asenath Fermi Resolution horror sub-series. The Moon is not a nice place in a magical apocalypse. With these stories, you'll get to see just how much. 
  • $2,400: More Fermi Resolution-themed art! I've gotten in touch with the talented Ben Fleuter (the artist for the TTRPG), and he's got time in his schedule to get the other PC species drawn in the same style as below. Did you want Mermen, Ghulmen, and Oldmen character sketches? Because if we hit this stretch goals, you're getting some!

If you have backed, you've backed. Thank you. If you haven't? ...Well, now's the time.

Second stretch goal down! And only halfway through!
6 months ago – Tue, Feb 06, 2024 at 04:20:28 PM

But wait, there's more! Here's the current state of the stretch goals:

  • [REACHED!] $1,200: Story sampler! There are a few more stories at hand or nearly done for the Fermi Resolution, including at least one exclusive to this Kickstarter! Once we hit this stretch goal, I'll put three of them in .epub and .pdf form, and send them to everybody who backed at the $10 level or above. Fulfillment of this will be completely independent of the regular schedule.
  • [REACHED!] $1,600: Extra art! I reached out to the talented Shaenon Garrity (who did my covers for FROZEN DREAMS and TINSEL RAIN) to do some merch-friendly art. At this stretch goal, everyone at the $5 level or above will receive digital copies of her piece, suitable for bookmarks, refrigerator magnets, and bookplates. A bit from the larger work is below:
Lucas needs to get a book from the library! What could go wrong?
  • $2,000: More sampler stories! At this point, the sampler will be five Fermi Resolution stories, including two ones exclusive to this sampler. It will be very close to a short episodic novel at that point, as all five stories will be set in the Falling Walls of Lunacy Marsh/Asenath Fermi Resolution horror sub-series. The Moon is not a nice place in a magical apocalypse. With these stories, you'll get to see just how much. 
  • $2,400: More Fermi Resolution-themed art! I've gotten in touch with the talented Ben Fleuter (the artist for the TTRPG), and he's got time in his schedule to get the other PC species drawn in the same style as below. Did you want Mermen, Ghulmen, and Oldmen character sketches? Because if we hit this stretch goals, you're getting some!
  • [TBD]
  • $6,000: Banshee Beach! If we hit this goal, I will have enough cash on hand to move BANSHEE BEACH (the next Tom Vargas novel) on the production schedule from "next year" to "as soon as everything gets finished." The book isn't draft-worthy at the moment, needs cover art and layout, and is generally not ready to go - but cash-on-hand covers a multitude of sins. If you fund it, it will come.